Want To Know More About The IPhone? Read On

The iPhone happens to be a device that is packed with lots of features. You can do just about anything you want to on it. What you may not know is that it has unknown features that will allow you to get even more out of it. This article has information that will help you enhance your iPhone.

If the iPhone is wet, dry it with rice. Phones are commonly dropped in water from puddles or toilets. A hair dryer can actually damage your phone further so to avoid this, fill a ziploc bag with dry rice and put your phone into it. Then dry it out overnight, or at the bare minimum for several hours.

You can take pictures with your headphone cord as well. With the headphones plugged in and your camera app on, simply click the button located on the headphone cord. Using this method keeps your phone steady, ensuring a clear shot.

You can use Safari to just do one tap and make a phone call. Suppose you are using the Internet to locate a pharmacy near your home. You don't have to shut down your browser when you locate the contact info that you need. Simply tap the number you see on the screen and instantly it dials the business you are trying to connect to.

Many iPhone users will spent a lot of time surfing the web and reading mail, but they do not know how to save the images they find or are sent. It is simply a matter of pressing down on the desired picture for a moment. After a few seconds, a pop-up box will give you the option of saving the image to your phone.

One useful application allows you to upload and save files to your iPhone. This allows you to add different types of multimedia to your iPhone. Just use the iPhone directly or connect to a computer to see the files.

Make messaging faster if you use this trick. If the dictionary has provided you with a work you do not like, just tap anywhere on your phone's screen to get rid of it. This is much easier than removing the word by tapping on the small "x" that follows it.

Don't forget that your iPhone is capable of displaying various types of media. You can enjoy your favorite TV shows, movies or funny clips when you are on the go. You will never be bored again!

You probably know very well that you can get rid of your iPhone's word suggestions when you're composing text by hitting the "X" in the suggestion box, but there's a faster way to do it, too. You can actually tap your finger anywhere within the screen to dismiss the box.

The iPhone displays previews of messages coming in on your lock screen. For some this may be great; for others, this can be a major annoyance. If you think it is annoying, you can disable that feature easily. Access settings, select "notifications" and then enter the "messages" option. The facility you wish to disable is known as "Show Preview".

The iPhone is a very sophisticated piece of technology. Everything about the iPhone commands attention and admiration. By using the tips from this article, you will be getting the most out of your iPhone.


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